Hello! I’m Brian Kurth, with Revere’s skills-based volunteering software. Thanks for joining me for today’s episode of Three Tips in Three Minutes for CSR leaders.
With me today is Maria Choi, CEO, Founder and CEO of Raise for Good. Our companies have a lot of fun working together, and Maria has the voice of experience working in today’s social impact world.
Welcome, Maria. What are your three tips in three minutes for us?
Thanks, Brian. Raise for Good is a collective of social impact experts focused on developing education and economic opportunities for women and communities of color through strategy, storytelling, and scale.
Tip #1
We certainly need to invest in nonprofit sustainability. What does that mean?
Nonprofit leaders need to diversify into multiple revenue streams while being as efficient as possible. So how can we help these nonprofits build strong organizational capacity?
Tip #2
Shared Investing:
Social impact leaders and funders often only support people they know in their network, leading to inequitable giving and outcomes.
How can corporations and skills-based volunteers provide support? Skills-based volunteers and CSR leaders can help build capacity with their advice, resources, and guidance.
Tip #3
Trust-Based Philanthropy:
Leaders of color are often in the driver’s seat of social and economic change yet remain underestimated and underfunded.
Inclusion is about trusting leaders immersed in their communities. These are people with lived experiences and experts in what’s best for their organization.
Let’s shift the power dynamics by putting nonprofit leaders at the forefront. Then, become a trust-based partner for these nonprofit leaders.
Thank you, Maria. Outstanding tips!
Listen to the complete interview, and to get in touch with Maria Choi, email her at maria@raiseforgood.com.

Maria Choi, CEO & Founder, Raise for Good